Mooneh’s Winter Aid Relief Project

Provision of humanitarian aid and relief support to the vulnerable and refugees is the driving force to why Mooneh’s Winter Aid Program was launched; and that is to contest the cold winter months consequently boosting resiliency among our target audience.

In line with the vision of being a social entrepreneur, and determined to pave an unprecedented path leading to meet the need during human crisis, Mooneh is driven to provide prompt response to underprivileged people and make available long-term logistical support. Mooneh views its current logistical infrastructure in the humanitarian context as an opportunity to catalyze a new logistics system that can navigate the way  in a human crisis through: emergency aid, recovery operations, proactive support, and a well established logistics infrastructure.

The Winter Aid Project aims to secure basic and advanced life support to the less privileged sectors of the society, the needy, the hungry and people affected by cold weather; stressing that Mooneh is committed to the provision and execution of all humanitarian aid logistics practices thus catering to the needs of the public and ensuring consistent conduct.

The project will be carried out through a span of multiple phases in coordination and cooperation with various NGO’s and corporations to donate pharmaceuticals, heating equipment, winter clothes, blankets, perishables etc. therefore, drafting and launching a donation program that is available on its platform as part of the strategic plan that connects participants and donors alike.


