Mooneh Including Students in Landscaping Logistical Reform

Kicking off the Winter Aid humanitarian initiative to foster a vibrant ecosystem of educational entrepreneurs, who will collectively push the wheel of educational reform in the logistics landscape.

Mooneh’s purpose of this initiative is to recognize the potential of ‘Home-Grown’ education businesses in the logistics field. By combining social impact with sustainable business models, Mooneh aims to establish novel solutions to ease the burden of the less fortunate in the humanitarian supply chain.

Spreading awareness among future student internship programs in the field of humanitarian logistics would elevate their preparedness to respond to future welfare crisis through: emergency aid, humanitarian and recovery operations, group collaboration, role assignment as well as feedback formation.

Students were able to engage in supply chain activities for essential and basic provisions such as: sourcing & procurement, operations management, order processing & preparation, as well as large scale last mile delivery to pre-defined sites.
